| | Forest Garden Lockdown Livestream | Wednesday 27th May, 10am BST | | Forest Garden Plants | This week, I’ll be out in the forest gardens, looking at my favourite plants, from nut trees to unusual fruits, plus windbreaks and ground covers. If there’s a particular plant you’d like to see, email me hello@forestgarden.wales and I will include it in the show. | Livestream | Time: 10—10.40amLivestream: twitch.com/forestgardenwalesSlides: forestgarden.wales/talks/plants | Zoom Q&A | Time: 10.45—11:15amJoin Zoom meeting: inviteZoom meeting ID: 785 5150 7912Zoom password: kousaThe Zoom session today went really well, had 4-5 particpants and was a really good opportunity to learn from others, thank you everyone who took part 🙏. Looking forward to the next Zoom Q&A 🙂 | Forest Garden Planning, Take 2 | | Recording of today’s Forest Garden Planning workshop, video now on YouTube. Slides are online 4ever, and other notes are in a blog post. Enjoy 😀💚! | | View this email in your browser | | Share | | | Forward |