Olympics and Wild Box-Shadows
Hey friends,
Olympics are in full swing at Casa Long. I've always loved the Olympics for the pure athleticism and all the wildly unique sports you don't often get to watch!
This year I've found myself glued to the rugby matches. I don't fully understand the rules yet, but that hasn't stopped my enjoyment of them.
Interesting Web Bits
- Eric Bailey shows how Dungeons & Dragons taught him how to write better alt text.
- Notion talks about how they used a WASM implementation of sqlite3 in the browser for a 20% speed boost.
- Matthew Ström talks about the role of copying in design. I'm PRO-copying, but feel there's a line when money gets involved. If you're getting paid for it, it needs some flavor for YOU.
- An exploration of CSS box-shadows that gets progressively wilder.
- A fun idea: Button Stealer (but I would never actually install something with this much access privilege 😬)...
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