Hope in Bleakness and Crappy First Drafts
Hey folks,
This has been a pretty tough week for the fam. Migraines stink (for the record), we said goodbye to an extended family member and to one of our family pets (RIP Saturn), and my wife and I are being reminded that our bodies are not as young as they used to be. Bleak as those could be, life is still full and vibrant because of the hope that we carry with us. Just taking it one thing at a time...
Thinking Too Hard
This week I fell into the hole of writing advice. I put several highly recommended books on this topic on hold, read a bunch of articles, but I think it's all mostly a procrastination trap... just like researching productivity: it's better just to DO than to THINK about it. Most advice seemingly boils down to:
- Bang out a crappy first draft.
- Reduce, reduce, reduce.
- Do it regularly.
That's a bit reductive, but this is the more practical part of my brain telling the more fanciful part of my brain to stop THINKING about doing as much and do more DOING.