Week in Review 2023-11-27
A productive week at work, settling into a new apartment, catching up with a friend, and some software and web updates.
The week started with good news at work. It was a great way to start the week and a good way to wrap up some previous weeks of work. Then the rest of the week was a normal work week. Some coding, code reviews, and so on.
On the personal side, the week was also good. The new apartment is coming together nicely, and the home office space / guest bedroom is now usable, so typing this week in review from the new spot 🥳. As part of setting up the home we got our washing and drying machines delivered and installed. I never imagined that I would get so happy about home appliances, but I guess now I'm in that part of adulthood. Anyways, it's great to have them now!
Also, this week I got together with Claudio for dinner as he was visiting Amsterdam, it was nice to catch up, talk about software development, and reconnect after some months, since I left my previous job. It's always nice to get together with friends and catch up about life and mutual interests.
Software engineering side and cities, not big updates. The usual playing around with scripts, looking for new libraries and things to try. While on the city side, the weather has make us to enjoy being inside the house more. It's getting cold, so here's hopping for a white winter 🤞.
Now to the links:
- glow Render markdown on the CLI with pizzazz! 💅 // I started using it, so far so good.
- Fall colours at the Japanese garden by Alan Moses // Nice autumn colours! 🍂