Week in Review 2023-05-01
A transition week with personal projects, good weather, and a new job at AerLabs; interesting links on PyLadies blogs, AWS, and chatbots.
Transition week. This week on the professional side it was a transition one. Monday started by returning my laptop to my previous employer. The rest of the week was off, and enjoying the time.
On the personal side, it was a good one. I got to do some work on personal projects, and then got stuck with some Django issues using a Custom User model as a foreign key in another model. I think I know how to solve it, but it will have to wait a little bit until the next time.
Besides personal projects, I got to read during the week, I have been reading the Brompton Book on the story of the bike, and also about their business, it's an interesting one.
The week also came with good weather (personal note, I was already tired of clouds and rain), and fortunately, the sun was shining for King's day, so we had a great party all around the city. This was my second King's day and it still amazes me how everyone goes outside to party and celebrate. It is really a party on the cities. Finally, the weekend continued with the good weather and we went for a long bike ride outside of Amsterdam one day, and a picnic on the other day, it was a full week!
On a professional side (bis), I got ready to get back to work on Monday, I'm very excited about joining AerLabs as a software engineer working on the echo platform, and different projects! Looking forward to the fly! 😉
Now to the interesting links I found along this week:
Around the web
- Awesome PyLadies' Blogs
- AWS location
- AWS Geospatial
- Managing your data in ChatGPT
- Making a snappy raster map with shaders
- Frogmouth, a Markdown browser for the terminal
- Cyclists and pedestrians are the microbiome of a city.