Months in Review
Travel, photography, running, work updates, and summer plans in this edition - I'm back in action!
It’s been a long time since the last email I sent. There’s a saying in Mexico: “He wasn’t dead, he was just partying”, and certainly I’m not dead, wasn’t really partying either (although there were some parties along these months). I guess it was just life that went through. But I’m back.
Let’s make this one a months in review. Since the last time I wrote things have been moving, on the personal side it was a spring with some trips, getting to see family and friends, and getting to know new places.
Along those trips I decided pick-up my camera again, and started taking more pictures. Unsurprisingly, after some years without using it, one of my lenses doesn’t work anymore. Thus I have been taking pictures just with a 50mm lens. It has been a joy to force myself to take pictures with a fix lens.

There’s something about taking urban photos that I really enjoy: Capturing details of building that have been standing there for years, and at the same time, capturing ephemeral interactions in the urban environment. The combination of both makes urban photography a joy.

Finally, as I have been taking photos with a single/fixed lens, the process has become more conscious, as I know there is a limitation in the camera and on the range I can take on. I have been enjoying it.

Running was/is still going on, including running my second half marathon back in May. This was definitely harder than the first one. No near term plan to run another one, let’s see what comes for next year.
Work is going well. It has been little more than one year, already since I joined AerLabs. During these months I have been working in multiple projects, and developing our main product. I have taken over some responsibilities on project management, and beyond software development. Overall it has been a successful year, and I’m very happy with it.
During these last months I haven’t really work too much on side projects, and that’s something I miss. My main coding activities have been for work. Its good, but I do miss some of the creativity that comes from having side projects. It’s time to fix this, and I already have some ideas.
Looking forward. As for the summer it looks good, although not super warm in The Netherlands. For sure will keep enjoying the long days, appreciating every day that the sun shines instead of having rain, and the temperature goes above 20°C.
I’ll make sure to keep writing. Please nudge me if you miss some weeks of emails. I’m sure having some healthy pressure can work to get me back on track.