quick update - money shit
hey gang, thanks for your interest in my little blog thing, I appreciate it greatly.
As of today there are 98 people subscribing, which surprises me (far be it from me to judge how you choose to wait around for the inevitable, by which I mean the victory of communism). The free version of Buttondown allows for 100 subscribers, so I just paid for a year of it, which allows for a thousand (!) subscribers, cuz I figure there’s a real chance that eventually three more people might want to spend some time deleting emails from me.
That year subscription is ninety bucks. If you’ve got any change to spare and want to offset some of that cost, I’d appreciate it. If you don’t have the coin, absolutely no judgment on my part - I’m very aware that most people’s money is already spoken for, I only started earning anything approaching a living wage myself in my late 30s and I believe strongly that there shouldn’t be financial barriers to ideas and culture, even ideas and culture as poorly formulated as mine. It must already be obvious that I don’t write this stuff to make any money (surely you can tell by the low quality and all the typos?), I write this stuff for my own enrichment, which is a kind of freedom. I’m genuinely touched and flattered that - I genuinely live a little more freely because - some folks like it and occasionally think with me about this stuff. That’s to say, your interest is plenty already and I’m grateful. But if you do have the cash to spare and sparing it would feel meaningful to you, like I say, I’d appreciate it (and if you don’t, you have my blessing).
Buttondown has a feature to charge newsletter subscribers but I don’t want to fuck with that because I’m worried it will charge everyone, and I don’t want to do that - I want this to be free with donating as an opt-in, and I’m not gonna give you anything else for donating. So instead at least for now I’ll ask that if you do want to donate, do so via the bandcamp page for my stupid noise/drone/ambient music project: https://aged.bandcamp.com/ and please include a note that it’s for the newsletter (so I know which of my weirdo pursuit you intend to support, in the name of properly tuned gratitude). I’ll add that on the off chance this little blog ever brings in more than it costs me, I’ll tell you so you can stop donating and I’ll spend any excess on books and whatnot related to my ongoing commitment to rambling about covid zero zealot marxism.
Once again no pressure and thanks again for your interest in the project. I wouldn’t write this in a vacuum, and I learn things by writing this, so I appreciate what you’re already doing - by virtue of subscribing to the newsletter and occasionally talking with me about it - to facilitate the project.
Keep on trucking. “We gonna do what they say can't be done.”