Ferment & Rot
Hey everyone, I hope you're all keeping well. I'm back to teaching so I've not had much time to think or write (I remembered the other day that I used to think college professors had lots of time to read!). I hope to get myself un-discombobulated (recombobulated?) soon and renew meandering and ranting here. When is soon, you might wonder, and I can only say, ask me no questions and I'll tell you no lies. I did finish reading a couple three novels recently, by Mervyn Jones, a socialist who was loosely in circles with EP Thompson and similarly interesting libertarian socialists in the UK in the 50s. I might try to write about those books later, though no promises. (I'm an ignoramus about literature so it might be for the best if I stick to Marx and covid and whatnot, we'll see.)
Anyway, at the moment I'm writing to let you know about something I'm happy about (it's not ALL misery here at Open Mode Industries, just NEARLY all misery). I mentioned over the summer that my friend Malik and I made a record called Ferment & Rot. It recently got reviewed in a local arts paper here in Des Moines (on actual paper! I picked up a copy at my local library!! feels really cool!!!). In the late 90s I was in two punk bands that made records, each got reviewed once in a zine, one was semi-positive and the other very negative. Third time's the charm I guess, because this review is very positive. I'm also very excited about the record. There's a link to it in the review if you want to hear it. Review's here: https://littlevillagemag.com/album-review-aged-malik-grey-ferment-rot/ If you want to buy the record on bandcamp that'd be cool too. Malik gets the money cuz I get paid more at my job. (To each, from each, as the saying goes.)
Keep on trucking, Nate