More from Santa Monica/Venice
More pictures from January 2020. I think I've settled on that "just before the pandemic" time period for this project, so now I'm in the photo selection phase. My goal is between 16 and 32 pictures (following Alec Soth's "a maximum of one picture per year of the photographer's age" guideline) so I want to pick out about 50, then get them printed and hung up on the wall in my office (Which isn't yet covered in Felt Right tiles but will be soon) so I can figure out sequencing.
A few other decisions I've made about this book:
Color photographs
Perfect bound
Glossy paper
It will also probably have no words. I might write a forward essay since that's semi-traditional but I'm otherwise not going to have captions or interspersed text or anything.
These decisions are mostly driven by the heuristic "something different than last time."
I still need to decide how I'm going to get it printed. I might do pure on-demand printing through Lulu & Shopify since that was really easy with the last one, but... I kind of want to be able to include handwritten notes in them this time? I really enjoy that when I buy photo books like this. It complicates shipping but if I do a print run of ~20 (which should be more than enough) it won't be that bad.
It also needs a name. I called the last one Venice #1 with the thought that there would eventually be a Venice #2 but this one's going to have a lot of pictures from Santa Monica, y'know? So I don't know if that quite works. Should probably re-read some Wallace Stevens poems and see if anything jumps out at me.