iPhone flower photography (plus packing camera gear for travel)
Hey there newsletterers-- quick one today, I've got a family vacation starting tomorrow and lots to do to get ready still. I may skip next weekend or you may get a special "deeply weird vacation photos" edition, so-- be prepared.
And, oh yeah, if you're just joining us, or if it's been a minute since you checked one of these-- I'm Nat Bennett and I take a lot of pictures and then I send some of them to you.
Slowly improving at composition
I remain amazed at what the iPhone can do. And it does the editing! And I can send them to people immediately! These would be better if I'd spent some time messing with them, but, still.
The attention I've been putting into making my compositions simpler is starting to pay off, I think. I don't love any of these but I shot some stuff I liked this week.
Studio Lighting
So speaking of the iPhone -- I have this little thing and it's a surprisingly good pocket flash.
I am still a complete idiot about "studio" lighting but being able to do this with the iPhone makes it easy to practice.
I should probably get some stands or something. And a better background. And a reflector? Haven't been able to find the one I thought I had.
Travel Packing
Anyway. One of the things I need to do today is pack the camera gear. I'm planning on bringing all three cameras -- the iPhone (obviously) but also the DSLR and the Ricoh -- but just one lens, my 85mm prime. The iPhone is a great camera and means I have one with me everywhere, but the Ricoh makes it easier to focus on photography and gives me some options the iPhone doesn't, and I've really enjoyed using it as a travel camera before. But I also want to be able to take a few portraits, so while I don't plan on taking the DSLR with me most of the time there will be a few days when I'll want it and my 1.8 telephoto prime lens.
Might cut the Ricoh or the DSLR at the last minute, though. I've travelled with too much camera gear before and it's just miserable. Not so much because of managing the gear but because then I have to decide what I want to use for any particular situation, which really distracts from, y'know, making photos.