Daniel Hurn, projects, and a new pop-up newsletter
Hello hello hello--
I read On Being a Photographer this week, by Daniel Hurn. Great book, short, useful-- at least, if you're trying to figure out how to stop making individual pictures and start making photographic projects. If you are, highly recommended.
Speaking of projects-- I'm about to start another "pop-up" photo newsletter, called Nomad Exquisite. It starts June 10th, will arrive daily for about two months, and then-- poof. You can subscribe here.
I have a few different but overlapping goals for this newsletter.
Generate a set of photographs with a cohesive theme
Generate a set of photos with a significant research component
Start to work on a project set in the American southwest
Practice landscape photography
Practice portrait photography, and actually photograph some strangers
Get myself out of consultant/contractor/engineer headspace and back into photographer/creator headspace
Process/cope with yet another damn move. Depending on how you count this is something like my 15th move in my lifetime, and my 3rd in the last 3 years. I have complex feelings about this.
It's a bit of a big, awkward mess, but I think it's going to be a fun mess.
I've been thinking a lot about projects generally and I think I have at least three "big ones" going, plus a handful of other smaller things where the photographs are all shot and I need to go through and assemble them-- things like "an album of the family vacation photographs from Disneyland" and "pictures I've taken of my friends dog in the last 3 years."
The big ones are codenamed--
Love and War, photographs of Edgar and his relationships with other dogs
Intimate Gay Portraits, portraits of my partner
Flowers for Oakland, "walking around" shots of my neighborhood, focusing on flowers, power lines, trash, construction, and strange things left on sidewalks
A few photographs taken as part of that last one: