30 Narrat Games to play - maybe more with yours?
A collection of 30 Narrat games for you to play, some recent features, and Lovely Lady RPG

It’s been a while since the last newsletter. While I have added many features to Narrat and polished it quite a bit, I haven’t been advertising much. There are cool things now!For example:
- proper input prompts and gamepad controls
- You can use font sets
- a lot of bugfixes and improvements to the save system
- dialogue history controls so players can see old cleared dialogue with new buttons (it helps with screenshots and virality!)
- The powerful custom scenes feature for advanced customisation
- Configurable hotkeys
- A much more battle-tested, stable and polished engine.

Lovely Lady RPG
As proof of how far the engine has gone, Poppy and Mia released Lovely Lady RPG, a massive game with tens of thousands of words. It is really funny, beautiful and lovely. This game had years of work in it and was the original reason why Narrat was created. If you look at the comments on itch.io, it’s easy to see how most people who played it loved it, and I encourage you to try it 😊
I recently saw a tweet by one of those silly websites comparing tools and probably written by AI listing in the cons for narrat that it can’t be used for big games, but I’m sorry to say that as far as narrative games go, LLRPG definitely qualifies as big and could totally have its place as a proper console release (if it wasn’t too edgy to be allowed, anyway)
The Narrat Games Collection
The real reason for this episode of the Narrat newsletter is that I created the Narrat Games Collection. It is an itch.io collection of all the games made with Narrat (that I know of), all conveniently right in itch.io.
There is also the narrat.games website which serves a similar purpose but is on its own website, allowing to link to things other than itch, and maintained by myself.
I believe all of those games are free, so there is quite a lot
Add your own to the list
Did you make a Narrat game that I don’t know about? Are you thinking of trying Narrat? Now is the time, just make something :) And if you have made something, don’t hesitate to contact me to add it to the list!