hi friends,
i hope you're having an awesome new year.
if you read my emails at all, you might notice something different.
the change is this: i have a new name. from angel sandy, i'm now mustang sandy.
there's been a shift with what i've been writing about, and angel sandy just doesn't fit anymore—RIP to my spiritual teacher persona, indeed.
i don't know if i pass the vibe check, but this new name defines my entire existence.
mustang sandy is a reference to the song "mustang sally"—a song that had a massive impact on me three years ago. i wrote about here:
it's safe to say that my new niche is vintage music and cinema. if you have any friends or family who are interested in this subject, please let them know about my newsletter and blog. i welcome boomers and gen-zs alike.
this week: i wrote about moonage daydream, valley of the dolls, and rocky.
an experimental documentary i watched on my phone when i was in japan. 10/10
the film adaptation of a very trashy book. campy and melodramatic, just like me.
my first movie for 2025. i watched it on new year's night. believe it or not, i haven't seen this before.
• breathless (1960)
a french new wave film about michel, a petty criminal, trying to pull together money after impulsively killing a policeman while driving a stolen car. the plot is loose, mostly him trying to convince his new american girlfriend, patricia, to run off to italy and sleep with him. very jazzy and cool.
• american graffiti (1973)
a coming-of-age film about teenagers cruising around town on the last evening of summer vacation. it's basically dazed and confused but set in 1962. this picture was inspired by george lucas' teen years in modesto, california. you can never go wrong with nostalgia pieces.
• dreams (1990)
a japanese film based on the director akira kurosawa's actual dreams. it's a beautiful picture, but it would've been more interesting to see normal recurring dreams... like forgetting an exam or that you're part of the varsity team in school (i seriously can't be the only one).
• it's such a beautiful day (2012)
an experimental animated comedy-drama about a stick figure struggling with memory loss and other neurological problems. i appreciate the offbeat and quirky style, but i found it kinda adolescent. maybe if i'd watched it earlier, i would've appreciated it like i did with bojack horseman.
• song: mr. tambourine man by bob dylan (1965)
mr. tambourine man is one of my most favorite songs. i'm learning it in the piano right now. it's only 3 chords, but it runs so freaking long.
• song: blowin' in the wind by bob dylan (1963)
another dylan song that is near and dear to me. this one i'm learning in the guitar. it's the song that jenny from forrest gump performed naked at the strip club.
• album: the white album by the beatles (1968)
an album the beatles released during a very chaotic time. i'm currently writing a review on this album, which will be done in a few days.
• album: young americans by david bowie (1975)
after watching the david bowie film, i'm dedicated to becoming a more sophisticated fan. anyone who's a fan of anything knows that fandom is a serious commitment.
• audiobook: the philosophy of modern song by bob dylan (2022)
i know it seems like i'm in a bob dylan spree right now, but i'm after the music analysis bit of the book. so far, i'm enjoying it more than i expected.
that's all i have today, friends. i hope you like the new rebrand as much as i do.
i'll see you guys again in the next newsletter.
have a wonderful day.
🫦 sandy