#145 You are not anthropomorphic bears
Wrap-ups. Playlists. Stocking fillers. Bear criminals.
18 DECEMBER 2024
Blessings of the season to you all!
This will be the final normal newsletter of 2024. Next week will be Christmas Day and I’ll be too busy playing Mario Kart and getting excited for the Doctor Who Christmas Special. But I’ll send a little something over nonetheless.
And then 1st January will be my 2024 report where I try and sum up my year in a more satisfying way than the multitude of AI-generated app wrap-ups I’ve been treated to this week. Seriously, even my bank got in on the act and sent me this.

Rule of three

[Improv] All Improv +
An early Christmas present to all you improv nerds out there. This is a YouTube playlist curated by Brian James O’Connell of literally thousands of improv-related videos - shows, interviews, explainers - it’s an absolute treasure trove of content. I know a lot of my students want to see examples of different forms and improv tools in action - it’s all here - days worths of footage. Incredible.

[Book] Orbital by Samantha Harvey
Audra recommended this book to me before our duo show. It’s about the crew of the International Space Station during one rotation of the Earth, in which they orbit the planet sixteen times. I’ve never read anything like it - lyrical, meditative, exhaustively researched and deeply moving. It’s also a slim volume and a quick, gorgeous read. Still time to get it as a stocking filler for someone who might need some glorious perspective.

[Game] Honey Heist
Looking for a fun game to play with your family this Yuletide season? Honey Heist is a roleplaying game where you all take on roles within a crew of bears pulling off a daring honey robbery. The fun comes from the fact you are not anthropomorphic bears and your complex plan requires precise timing. You can download the one pager here and then go to itch.io to sling the creators some money for it.

Will Hines said recently (in his excellent Substack) that every improv community requires three kinds of show.
Community shows to allow people to practise the craft, to meet and to play with each other.
Artistic shows that seek to further the art form and broaden what improv can be.
Hit shows that are appealing to an audience of non-improvisers and locate improv in mainstream culture.
Next year, I will be putting on more nights that fall into the second and third categories.
First out of the gate is Hoopla x The Pretend Company at The Miller in London Bridge. Each show, I’ll be putting together a team of improv veterans to model the kind of relaxed, supportive, relationship-based improv I love.
The first show on 18th January 2025 is looking like it will be Lee Simpson, Jen Rowe, Stephen Lee, Emily Murphy, Emily Kerr and me. SUCH a good time! And I have many other absolute legends waiting in the wings for future shows.
Would LOVE to sell this show out well in advance and make it a fixture of improv Saturday nights. Please, please support our fledgling endeavour by buying tickets right now. We promise to make it an evening of funny, kind, heartfelt and life-affirming improv.
Radio contact

Radio turned 3 this week. Happy Birthday, pal.