#143 Misplaced braggadocio
Kidding. Singing. Crunching. Yawning.
Good morrow, travellers!
I hope you’re having a good week?
I’m in a great mood and after I finish this newsletter I’m going to WATCH FILMS ALL DAY!
So let’s get to it.
Rule of three

[Improv] New choice & Judy Grimes
New choice is an incredibly popular shortform game where you’re asked to rewrite the last line you said multiple times. But nothing can prepare you for Kristen Wiig new choice-ing herself as Judy Grimes on SNL update.

[Music] Garfunkel & Oates
I was listening to Riki Lindhome’s new single Don’t Google Mommy and thinking she’s still got it when it occurred to me that I’ve never recommended Garfunkel & Oates on the Pretend Post. This is an absolute outrage as they are one of my favourite ever comedy duos. With Kate Micucci, Lindhome has crafted some of the catchiest, funniest, most profane songs of all time. To the RABIT HOOOOOOOOOLE!
Me, You and Steve (a great place to start)
Pregnant Women are Smug (a G&O Classic)
F**k You (you have to admire the purity of this)
Rainbow Connections (makes me sob uncontrollably)
Loser (I think this is genuinely wise)
The Loophole (just outrageously offensive/ brilliant)

[Robots] Transformers
I loved Transformers in the 80s when they were the coolest toy in the world. Then Michael Bay got hold of them and the only thing they transformed into was a joyless CGI nightmare. But Transformers One is a blast of fresh air to the franchise - reclaiming character, emotion, fun and jaw-dropping set pieces. I still can’t believe how right they got everything after literal decades of misplaced braggadocio. AND the excellent new Transformers comic from writer/ artist Daniel Warren Johnson is currently the best-selling comic in the world, outselling Batman and winning multiple Eisner awards in the process. It’s wonderfully kinetic and masterfully paced. It sure is a good time to be a Transformers fan. ROLL OUT!
Longform thoughts
I still recall with a mixture of mortification and pride, the evening that an early improv team of mine got the suggestion - prunes. Eagerly, we leapt into action and what followed was 45 minutes of prune-based material. Cooking prunes, eating prunes, talking about prunes, we couldn’t get enough of them.
This week I wrestle with the thorny problem of premise vs organic scene inspirations. I’m genuinely still working on these definitions. I would LOVE to hear what you all think?
Radio contact

Just when you thought he couldn’t get any more iconic.