#119 Sabres, bras and how to read a wind sock
Cinema. Depth. Corn dogs. Not improv.
Issue #119 Sabres, bras and how to read a wind sock
19th June 2024
It’s so late, will I get this out before midnight?
Only if I don’t write too much in this introduction.
Rule of three

[Game] CineNerdle
After I recommended a cinema-tinged Connections last week, the amazing Becky Hartnup sent me CineNerdle. It’s another Wordle-alike but with added Cinema geekery. Literally two hours later, I resurfaced and realised I had completed about twenty of them. Highly, highly addictive.

[Book] The List
This book by Yomi Adegoke about being outed as a problematic individual by the internet is timely, incisive and not a little anxiety-inducing. I loved Adegoke’s brilliant writing and her mature and deep-thinking discussion of a modern technological landscape that can give a voice to survivors whilst simultaneously empowering bullies and misinformation. There’s also a great interview about it on Sara & Cariad’s Weirdos Book Club.

[The Internet] Useful & interesting infographics
I love a good infographic. Here is a massive treasure trove of them including interesting morsels about hot dogs, gerrymandering, sabres, bras and how to read a wind sock.

The Mighty Pirates, our love letter to 90s-era point and click adventure games, returns to Hoopla Impro this Saturday. Thank you to everyone that supported us for our world premiere last week.
As part of the show structure, a new guest performer will take on the role of our protagonist Guybrush Threepwood each week and face off against a series of fiendish piratical puzzles.
I’m now in a position to reveal who those wonderful people will be. And aren’t they just a who’s who of improv perfection?
Saturday 22nd June - Tom Mathias
Friday 28th June - Jennifer Jordan
Saturday 6th July - Ali James
Longform thoughts
If storytelling is an evolutionary advantage, then we are the descendants of the descendants of the descendants of the descendants of the very best of them. It’s in our DNA, it’s coursing through our viscera. It’s our birthright.
This week, Tanja writes: Has there been something not-improv related literature/courses/ideologies, that has affected greatly your thinking of improv? What was it?
It turns out there are many Non-improv things (that make your improv better)
I enjoyed answering this question so much, I’m dying to hear your answers too. Please reply to this newsletter with the non-improv thing that changed your improv the most. I’ll publish a compilation of your thoughts in the coming weeks.
Radio contact

Pirate Radio will be in attendance at The Miller for The Mighty Pirates this weekend, Saturday 22nd June. He informs me he’ll be available for pictures and cuddles afterwards.