#117 Three hundred trillion
Gut. Redacted. Chemistry. Skateboard. Turtle.
Issue #117 Three hundred trillion
5th June 2024
Hey gang!
Appreciate all your beautiful messages after last week’s slightly unorthodox newsletter. You are wise and thoughtful. And it really helped. Thank you.
This week, I’m trying to reset my gut health with a wide-ranging set of protocols including eating nothing but seaweed broth for a day. Now I’m in the middle of a smoothie and soup cleanse.
The soups and smoothies are many hued. They arc across my countertops like an edible rainbow.
It’s entirely possible that I’m hallucinating through lack of protein.
My nutritionist just told me that you have three hundred trillion living bacteria within your gut and on your skin. They spend their time protecting you from anything in the outside world that means you harm.
So if you ever feel like no-one cares, know there’s at least three hundred trillion individuals that think the world of you.
Rule of three

[Game] Redactle
In this addictive online game, you are presented with a Wikipedia article, with all the interesting words removed. And then you get to play internet detective and try to add the words back in until you can guess the title of the page in question. It’s brilliant. Thanks to Jennifer Jordan and Roderick Millar for the recommendation.

[Podcast] The Lonely Island & Seth Myers Podcast
Amazing podcast where the Lonely Island (& Seth Myers) go over each and every entry of their ground-breaking SNL Digital Shorts cannon in GRANULAR detail. Not normally a fan of this kind of humour but Lonely Island have always been an exception for some reason. This podcast gives me a few hints why:
a) they’ve genuinely been friends since high school
ii) they obviously love each other & have real chemistry
3) I love their work ethic and DIY film-making ethos
FINALLY, each short is 2 minutes long, so you can get up to speed in no time at all.

[Video] A tiny turtle on a skateboard
Look, sometimes I bring you ground-breaking works of art and sometimes I want to show you a little amphibian doing cool tricks for his cat mate on a skateboard.
Longform thoughts

The premise is to map the elements seen in popular fantasy series Avatar: The Last Airbender onto some of the primal forces of improv.
Loved this article from Wei Joo Ooi which combines two of my dearest geeky loves: improv and cartoons. Are you a fire improviser or a water improviser?
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