#114 Absolutely spanking
Sore. Poor. Deplore. Score. Paw.
Issue #114 Absolutely spanking
15th May 2024
Friends, I can barely lift my fingers to type.
This week, I made the ridiculous decision to start exercising again.
I’ve set myself the following schedule:
Run: Mon/ Wed/ Fri
Gym: Tue/ Thu
I am an idiot.
Did you know the sole of your foot is a muscle?
I do. Because I’ve somehow pulled it.
It’s going to be a short newsletter this week.
I need a lie down.
Rule of three

[TV] Renegade Nell
The sheer quantity of content produced by the big streaming services means that amazing shows often debut and then promptly disappear without a trace. I hadn’t heard a lot of buzz about this new Disney+ series about a highway woman with superpowers but I love it. It just has such confidence and playfulness. Having Gentleman Jack’s Sally Wainwright on scripting duties means the dialogue is absolutely SPANKING too.

[Podcast] Things Fell Apart
Culture wars. Yuck, right? This podcast explores the origin story of all the divisive talking points that are currently splitting our culture down fragile fault lines. But there are moments of great humanity and compassion in there too. I particularly liked the episode about the fateful meeting between a popular televangelist and a gay local pastor living with HIV.

[Game] Puzzle Bobble Everybubble!
On visiting the Science Museum’s brilliant history of video games exhibition, Power Up, with Katy Schutte - she duly destroyed me in the Vs mode of pioneering 90s puzzler - Puzzle Bobble. I had forgotten how much I loved playing it on my trusty Neogeo Pocket Color as a teenager. So I came home and acquired the modern version on Nintendo Switch and let me tell you, it is CHARMING AS ALL HECK. Fun, breezy, colourful and addictive. It’ll eat up hours of your day, to the point where you’ll have to pretend to go to the gym in order to have time to play it.

Duologues, the duo show where I play with improvisers I admire but have never stepped on stage with before, returns to Hoopla this Saturday for the Pre-party. This week, I’ll be sharing the stage with the wonderful, Greg Baxter. Come along, it’s free! And why not stay for the brilliant Manband, directed by a little-known but talented improviser called Katy … Something. Keep an eye on her, I think she might be going places.
My Farnham improv students did an amazing job yesterday performing in front of a huge, happy local audience. For the occasion, I quickly knocked up a running order for the games and scenes. With not much time on my hands, I reached for a Canva template rather than creating it from scratch. I think I got away with it though.

Radio contact

This week, Radio was caught out in a rainstorm.