Mostly Bits Newsletter - Issue #77
Tony's Pick
I have previously recommended Bits about Money by patio11. In a similar vein, if you have any interest in the finance or, like, money, you should check out Matt Levine's Money Stuff newsletter. BaM is more evergreen and focused on finance infrastructure, while Money Stuff is more about analysis of current events. Also: Levine's writing style really slots perfectly into my brain.
Kyle's Pick
I am 7 years late on this one, but I stumbled on the music video for OK Go's "Upside Down & Inside Out" this past week. Apparently the video was actually shot in zero gravity using parabolic flight paths that yielded 27 seconds of weightlessness at a time over the course of a 45-minute flight. Weightlessness also looks very floaty on camera, so they slowed the song down by 30% to get the choreography right, then sped everything up in post-production.
Here are a couple of behind-the-scenes videos showing more of the tricks they employed. The video was filmed in Russia, so I guess we won't be getting any more zero-g music videos made with practical effects for a while. (Don't worry — apparently there are other operators available.)