Mostly Bits Newsletter - Issue #21
Tony's Pick
You’ve probably heard of the “observable universe”, or all places in the universe we can currently observe, which is essentially defined by the speed of light. Here’s a new one for me: the “affectable universe”, or the areas of the universe that we can affect by way of sending light. BUT because the universe is expanding, the affectable universe is shrinking at the same rate that observable universe is expanding. As time goes on, we can see ever more of (the past of) the universe while our ability to impact the universe is ever more constrained.
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Not pictured: Tony |
Kyle's Pick
I’ve been listening to the Plain English podcast recently and enjoyed this recent episode with Chuck Klosterman entitled “Why does it seem like everybody hates everything?” Klosterman argues that the current national malaise kicked off in 2003 when cynical TV producers started making reality TV shows where you were intended to actively hate the stars (The Newlyweds with Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey, The Simple Life with Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie). It seems somewhat arbitrary, but host Derek Thompson thinks of one reliable poll about celebrities spanning over 50 years:
So, I thought: Is there any way to find survey data that validates 2003 as a turning point in national admiration?
— Derek Thompson (@DKThomp) August 19, 2022
Well, guess what.
From 1950 - 2002, every POTUS but Ford had a full year of 55% approval or higher. But it hasn’t happened once since … 2003.