Mostly Bits Newsletter - Issue #14
Tony's Pick
As many of my past picks probably indicate, I’m very into the details of our built environment. One of my favorite cul-de-sacs in that information space is the fact that the Dutch build some of the best transportation infrastructure in the world. This twitter thread is a good light introduction, and basically any video from Not Just Bikes will give you a spicy deep dive (this older one about traffic calming is a good starting point.) I hope you find yourself radicalized about infrastructure!
Paradise is A Dutch Woonerf |
Kyle's Pick
I played a truly heroic amount of Neon White over the last week. I wasn’t sure how I would feel about the anime tropes, but I can’t resist Steve Blum’s voice. (He was Spike Spiegel in Cowboy Bebop.) The gameplay feels a lot like Celeste or Super Meat Boy - punishing, but you’re constantly learning and never losing more than a minute of progress. And I’ve had the soundtrack on repeat all week if you need some new EDM in your life.
Aim for the heavens |