Mostly Bits Newsletter - Issue #116
Tony's Pick
I got excited about generative art right before it was entirely subsumed by the crypto world via the NFT craze (that excitement is why is so deviant from everything else Mostly Bits.) Anyway, NFTs made most the generative art I was excited about completely inaccessible and also way less interesting. No longer! I recently stumbled across Paul Rickards who makes generative art with pen plotters. It’s good stuff! And available at reasonable prices! I particularly dig the TANGLED CMY MULTIPLE DENSITY HATCHED SQUARES SERIES, but WILDCARDS is also worth checking out.

Kyle's Pick
I finally got around to watching The Green Knight from 2021. I liked it a lot! It was definitely a slow burn, but everything about it was well-crafted, and Dev Patel was excellent.
That also rekindled a bit of enthusiasm for Arthurian legend. After a bit of research, I checked out The Once and Future King from the library. From what I read online, it seems like the best balance between Thomas Malory’s somewhat repetitive Le Morte d'Arthur and hypermodern retellings where King Arthur is the down-on-his-luck lead singer of a speed metal band in Hoboken or whatever.