Mostly Bits Newsletter - Issue #103
Tony's Pick
This ATK video is, in some ways, peak foodtube for me. It’s a simple and easy thing that will improve some meals, provides a plausible and compelling science-y explanation, and it’s not 30 minutes long. It’s also completely new to me, despite 20+ years of regular consumption of food TV, food radio, food podcast, cookbooks, and foodtube. Good work, Dan!

Kyle's Pick
“We wanted flying cars, but all we got was 140 characters.” Billionaires will complain that it’s because of the beta FAA or a lack of will, but maybe people were just smart enough not to kill themselves flying a lawnmower engine around.
This week I learned from this episode of Plain English that the technology for flying cars has come a long way in the last decade or so. Some models seem like slick vaporware, but others like the Jetson One seem increasingly practical as they are built on proven technologies from UAVs / drones.
$92,000 for a Jetson One is still pretty spicy, and the range is limited to 20 minutes of flight time, but it feels appropriately futuristic.