Broader Horizons — mnchrm vol. lvii
Hello friends!
Got a rare tiny update newsletter for you guys here, though might try this format more.
The piece I’m most proud of and put the most amount of work into goes live today, in The LA Review of Books. I interviewed writer Rick Paulas about his novel Eastern Span, which he self-published and donated the majority of his stock to vendors experiencing homelessness in Oakland to distribute for any price, and keep all profits. It would mean a lot to me if you gave it a read! Hoping to write more pieces in this vein, and essays, this year.
I also just launched a Patreon. This year I’m trying to make a commitment to branch out more, strike out in more / new directions. I want to work more on fiction this year, as well as essayic and broader stories than just book reviews, like I mentioned above. Also hoping to broaden my horizons a bit, finally launching my online literary journal The Kifu Review, making two podcasts, doing some photography tutorials, photo series, and videos.
I’d really appreciate it if you would take a look and consider signing up for $3/month contribution. I’ve already got a series of wallpapers for phone and desktops made from my photos available only to patrons, as well as the first two parts to a photography guide I wrote. Might post the full interview I wrote for the above piece as well, if that’s something you’d be interested in!
Check it out, and please consider subscribing or sharing.
Thanks everyone! Really appreciate all of you. Hope you’re having a nice week, and I’ll catch you next Monday.
Stay strong, fight on.
Your faithful commander,
– I