Missiverna #76
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Mot det hundrade brevet!
Erik Stattin
För nytillkomna: nedan ett ganska typiskt utskick av Missiverna, strandfynd gjorda av mig under veckan som gått, en gång i veckan till din inbox:
- I serien av ambienta ljud- och ljusgeneratorer (tidigare olika väderförhållanden, regn, åska etc, men också ljudet av caféer och bibliotek) har vi nu kommit till Cat Purr - spinnande kattljud att ha på i lurarna när du behöver slappna av. The Science:
"A cat's purr is generally within the range of 40 - 200 Hz. In sound therapy, these frequencies are believed to heal injuries and relieve pain. It is also told that injured cats often purr to help soothe and heal themselves..."
- 24 augusti var det tydligen 50 år sedan ordet och begreppet "hypertext" formulerades, av Ted Nelson i artikeln "A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing and the Indeterminate". GigaOm har en intervju med Ted Nelson apropå detta.
Här ett lite tankeväckande citat från intervjun:
"So what did you see as the relationship between software and movies?
I still believe software is a branch of movies. Movies are events on a screen that affect the heart and mind of the viewer, right? And software—interactive software—is events on a screen that affect the heart and mind of the user, and interact, and have consequences. So understanding the theatrics (some say rhetoric, some say cascading) of interaction is the real issue, not just making the wheels go around.
So to me, computer technicalities, including programming, were just more technicalities of moviemaking."
Det har också kommit ut en festskrift till hans ära som går att ladda ner gratis - Intertwingled
The Work and Influence of Ted Nelson.
- Rakow Research Library har en ambitiös målsättning: "Its mission is to acquire everything published on the subject of glass, in every format and in every language." Finns i Corning Museum of Glass i Corning, NY. Jag tänker de har lite pengar över till biblioteket efter att ha försett varenda iPhone med sitt Gorilla Glass.
- Brewster Kahle har lite idéer - "Locking the Web Open: A Call for a Distributed Web":
"In conclusion, through the last 25 years, people have poured their lives and dreams into the World Wide Web, yielding a library and communication tool that is unprecedented in scale. We can now build a stronger tool on top of the current Web to offer added reliability, privacy, and fun."
- "A Complete Beginners Guide to Blockchain Technology" hjälpte inte mig i alla fall.
- Man kan gå kursen "Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency Technologies" via Princeton/Coursera, med start 4 september. Det finns en tillhörande lärobok på gång också.
- Briljant spelidé - "Big Pharma":
"As the head of your own Pharmaceutical Conglomerate you have this power resting in your hands. Will you use it for good? Being totally altruistic may not be the best business plan. The uncomfortable truth (is there an ointment for that?) is that some remedies are more profitable than others and illness is good for business."
(via: BB)
- "Things Mimicking Other Things" - en massa exempel på mimikry (det heter tydligen så på svenska). (via: Four Short Links)
- Både biohacking och CRISPR har varit uppe här tidigare, men de kommer samman i "Biohackers gear up for genome editing". Utdrag:
"Artist Georg Tremmel, a research fellow in biological-data visualization at the University of Tokyo, has clear plans for CRISPR. He and his collaborators plan to ‘de-engineer’ genetically modified blue carnations sold in Japan by snipping out the inserted gene that turns the flower blue, thus reverting it to its ‘natural’, white state. They want audiences to ponder whether these doubly modified carnations should be deemed any different from unengineered plants with essentially the same genome."
- Hjärnforskaren (och 1906 års Nobelpristagare) Santiago Ramón y Cajal förde en drömdagbok för att motbevisa Freuds drömteori. Utdrag finns nu för första gången att läsa på engelska (på spanska sedan 2014). Utdrag:
"I find myself at a printer correcting copies of a book about regeneration. I discover that there are many letters missing, that prepositions are absent, and that syllables have run from one line to another. I am astonished and ashamed by all these errors.
This cannot be explained by Freud."
- Ferret verkar smart (men än så länge bara för den som pysslar med "life sciences"). "Read something on a particular protein 6 months ago? Ferret’s Time Machine retrieves the specific article in no time."
- Bakgrund: "Ferret: a sentence-based literature scanning system", BMC Bioinformatics 2015.
- Theo Jansens strandbestar (YouTube) är ju rätt fantastiska. Intressant figur, Jansen.
Mot det hundrade brevet!
Erik Stattin
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