Missiverna #65
God morgon!
Det var det. Det går fint att höra av sig med tips, till någon av adresserna nedan t.ex.
Erik Stattin
- Chrome-tillägget Smile Suggest fick mig att le stort i veckan. Jag rekommenderar dig att prova det. En brygga till Pinboard här och min lycka är gjord! (via: Prosthetic Knowledge)
- Ett annat Chrome-tillägg: "Scroll-O-Meter tracks the total distance you have scrolled. Go for the goal. Scroll!"
- Mer, nyttiga, tillägg: Google Scholar Button och Lazy Scholar.
- "FOLD is a reading, authoring, and publishing platform allowing storytellers to structure and contextualize stories." Från MIT Media Lab.
- Ställde mig på väntelistan till "Zensors is sensing made easy."
- Från Open Knowledge Foundation, med Ben Goldacre i spetsen: "Open Trials will aggregate information from a wide variety of existing sources, and aims to provide a comprehensive picture of the data and documents on all trials conducted on medicines and other treatments around the world."
- Jacobin när kommunistiska drömmar om makerspaces och 3D-skrivare:
"Such a transformation of production of common objects should defeat capitalist strategies to recuperate and re-enclose, because it inherently undermines the preconditions of capitalist value relations. Simply advancing and extending the uses of such technology for real-life production becomes a political act (though merely a necessary, not a sufficient one)."
- Också: The Atlantic - "The Dilemmas of Maker Culture".
- "The tempescope is an ambient physical display that visualizes various weather conditions like rain, clouds, and lightning. By receiving weather forecasts from the internet, it can reproduce tomorrow's sky in your living room."
- I Post-Digital Publishing Archive finns en hel del att utforska: "The aim of P—DPA is to systematically collect, organize and keep trace of experiences in the fields of art and design that explore the relationships between publishing and digital technology."
- "Mécaniques Discursives is like a parenthesis between two epochs: Gutenberg's and Big Data's. By contrasting the oldest form of image reproduction (woodcutting) with the most recent digital technologies, the installation straddles centuries and contracts time." Underbar kombination, se kortdokumentären.
- Det är ju mycket snack om självkörande bilar, men det här med att köra bil i "tredje person" verkar lite spännande också:
"A Taiwan company called SPTek has figured out a way to use an array of cameras to generate a 3-D 'Around View Monitor' that can show you multiple different views of the outside of your car. [...]
It probably wouldn’t be a good idea to drive exclusively in third-person mode, but having alternate views on a monitor in the console of your car, or maybe even on a transparent heads-up display, could easily become a faster and safer way of verifying that your next automotive maneuver isn’t a mistake."
- Nature News: "In a world first, Chinese scientists have reported editing the genomes of human embryos. The results are published in the online journal Protein & Cell and confirm widespread rumours that such experiments had been conducted—rumours that sparked a high-profile debate last month2, 3 about the ethical implications of such work."
- En radda länkar hos MetaFilter om CRISPR och vad det egentligen innebär.
Det var det. Det går fint att höra av sig med tips, till någon av adresserna nedan t.ex.
Erik Stattin
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