Med hälsningar från ett kylslaget Luleå kommer här veckans missiv:
- " uses convolutional neural networks (via Clarifai) to extract concept words from images. It expands those initial words (mostly nouns) into sentences and paragraphs using a lexical relationship database (ConceptNet) and a flexible template system."
- Arkivera platser med laser: "A total of 223 terrestrial laser scans were completed to document the existing condition of the Mail Rail site and to digitally preserve the location before major construction work commences."
- Mapping Emotions in Victorian London - "The project has invited anonymous participants to annotate whether passages drawn from novels, published mainly in the Victorian era, represented London places in a fearful, happy, or unemotional manner." Från Stanford Literary Lab, bakgrund i New York Times.
- Det här är bra, Per Axboms "Slaying 5 UX myths for the good of mankind". Amen till det här t.ex.:
"A focus on UX will allow the creation of a service that the target users can learn and become friends with, over time. It’s not always about love at first sight and not even about being the most valued tool in the toolbox."
(Tack till Ingela som tipsade!)
- Ett par BBC-radiogrejer jag blivit tipsad om och som låter spännande: två delar om black power-rörelsen och musik, presenterad av Erykah Badu; och Composers' Rooms, en serie konversationer med samtida kompositörer och hur det arbetar. (Tack Mariana och Russell Davies för tips!)
- Heart Drum Jammer: "This is the first experiment in using a wireless heart monitor to trigger a drum machine using Arduino and MIDI. As the heart rate increases, so does the timbre and frequency of the kick drum."
- Eero Saarinens gigantiska 1960-talsbyggnad och kringliggande campus för Bell Labs ska tydligen göras om till en "metroburb":
"New Jersey-native Ralph Zucker purchased the property in 2013, and his firm is transforming the 472-acre campus in Holmdel, New Jersey, into a health and wellness-anchored “metroburb” called Bell Works that will include a skilled nursing facility and assisted-living center, a hotel, restaurants and shops, a spa, office spaces and a 20,000-square-foot public library. Luxury homes and an outdoor sports complex are also planned for the surrounding land."
- "clickdragclick allows you to paint with selections of an image like a paintbrush."
- Tom Coates berättar om hur man gick från hårdvara till mjukvara och omformade Product Club till Thington:
"The more we explored the space, the more we found that however good and interesting the hardware was in the Internet of Things, the software and service layers were generally awful. Gradually, we came to believe that huge problems in these layers were hiding all of the value and the potential of the technology."
Också, från IDEO Labs: "Noam is a messaging platform that allows you to create complex interactive products by easily networking hardware and software elements together."
- En kort film om herbariet (herbariumet?) vid Kew Gardens.
Erik Stattin
Antal prenumeranter: 284