Det har varit ett så pass långt uppehåll nu att du kanske glömt att du prenumererade på Missiverna! Jag låtsas som om att inget har hänt och kör bara vidare. Lite mjukstart, 10 grejer som fastnat i veckan:
- "Nanocrafter is a scientific discovery game about synthetic biology. Use pieces of DNA to build everything from computer circuits to nanoscale machines, and help advance scientific research with your inventions!"
- "Visualizing Interstellar's Wormhole", ett papper om hur man kan använda sig av Interstellar och dess maskhål som inspiration för att lära ut den allmänna relativitetsteorin för fysikstudenter.
- Förvisso i London, men ändå: "Hack the Brain invites neuroscientists, coders, designers, artists, engineers and all maker enthusiasts to a weekend of exploration!"
- Fast Companys lista över 2015 års mest innovativa företag kan man scrolla igenom tycker, hittade personligen flera jag inte kände till sedan tidigare.
- "Telescope is a personal city guide printed for you. Take the cards on a trip, spread them out on the tray table on a flight and organise your itinerary."
- Allt viktigare: meta-design -
"A meta-designer works to distill this instrumentation into a design system, often written in software, that can create the final artifact. Instead of drawing it manually, she is programming the system to draw it. These systems can then be used within different contexts to generate a range of design products without much effort."
Relaterat: "The Architecture of a Data Visualization".
- Suck, ännu en sån här "så här kommer vi att jobba i framtiden"-film, från Microsoft.
Relaterat: Boing Boing: "A group of design students from a Swedish university published an insightful academic paper last year spoofing all the baby health trackers now pitched to parents."
- En intervju i flera delar med smartskallen Scott "Shtetl Optimized" Aaronson.
- "Welcome to the Kitty Microbiome Project, a citizen science project to advance the health of cats through the study of their microbes."
- "Deep Lab is a congress of cyberfeminist researchers, organized by STUDIO Fellow Addie Wagenknecht to examine how the themes of privacy, security, surveillance, anonymity, and large-scale data aggregation are problematized in the arts, culture and society." Se dokumentärfilmen (18 min).
Vi hörs igen nästa vecka.
Erik Stattin