"Charted is a tool for automatically visualizing data, created by the Product Science team at Medium."
"We searched New York City for a variety of subway musicians to unite for a live experiment. We stationed them at 9 different subway stops with WiFi and, uncertain if we'd succeed, had them simultaneously connect to composer Ljova in Bryant Park. He then attempted to remotely conduct them in "Signal Strength", an original piece he wrote for them."
OpenAddresses: "The free and open global address collection".
"Ghiro is an Open Source software for digital photo and digital image forensics."
While the term may be new to some, it is an old concept getting new life via modern technology: how the science of geography should inform our methods of design.
Paul Ford skriver lite kulturhistoria hos The New Yorker, om hur det gick till när HTML5 blev en rekommendation och vilka som i någon mening bestämmer över webben. Utdrag:
A standard is a skewed mirror of culture, and HTML5 is no different. Here is what it tells us we care about: words, headlines, video, and audio. We like to organize things into lists, and we like to look at pictures. And we want everything to be capable of animation and interaction—every letter, every tag, every structural element. Every bit of HTML5 is open to interpretation by code, available to be twisted, rotated, and manipulated by its users.