Lite ont om tid den här veckan, men några grejer har passerat min webbläsare i veckan så jag delar med mig av dem lite rått så här:
- "This is every active satellite orbiting earth".
- En återpublicerad artikel från 1984 om kalkylprogrammets betydelse - "A Spreadsheet Way of Knowledge".
- "vemödalen (YouTube) - n. the frustration of photographing something amazing when thousands of identical photos already exist—the same sunset, the same waterfall, the same curve of a hip, the same closeup of an eye—which can turn a unique subject into something hollow and pulpy and cheap, like a mass-produced piece of furniture you happen to have assembled yourself."
- App-tips: "With Storehouse, it’s never been easier to create and share stories."
- The Extraordinary Growing Impact Of The History Of Science - "Their conclusion is that older papers are having an increasingly important impact on modern science — that the distinction between old and new, between the historical and the modern, no longer creates a division in science."
- Lightly - "We improve your company's output by helping employees finding their zone. This includes everything from workshops on how to set up an information diet to how proper breathing can reduce sick days."
- Lång artikel om den tysk-franske matematikern Alexander Grothendieck, som gick bort förra veckan.
- 15 regler för hur GitHub kommunicerar på jobbet.
- Vinnarna i Kantar Information is Beautiful Awards 2014.
- Fullständigt omöjlig att navigera, men Red Bull har låtit några artister, konstnärer, arkitekter, m.m. fundera över vilka musikinstrument som kommer att finnas anno 2214.
Erik Stattin