God kväll!
Här är veckans lista:
- Noodl, "a design tool for interactive experiences".
- BLDG BLOG om det av amerikanska militären framforskade sandlådegränssnittet:
The idea of projecting adaptive landscape imagery down onto a sandbox is brilliant; being able to interact with both the imagery and the sand itself by way of a Kinect sensor is simply awesome.
Se filmen hos military.com.
- Magiskt från BBC - Ditt liv på jorden sedan du föddes.
- "Raw is an open web app to create custom vector-based visualizations on top of the amazing D3.js library through a simple interface."
- New York Times har en fin ny mat- och receptsajt.
- Lite intressant om vad Spotify håller på med i laboratoriet sedan uppköpet av The Echo Nest. Utdrag, om experimentet Truffle Pig:
Tapping The Echo Nest’s detailed analysis of every Spotify song, editors can punch in parameters corresponding with Taste Profile attributes like hotness, or quantifiable aspects like tempo or recording date. But what’s really cool is its ability to surface tracks depending on characteristics about their actual sound, like “acousticness”, “speechiness”, or “loudness”. Each Truffle Pig search parameter can be set with a threshold, so editors may allow a little bit of speech or require a high loudness score for a song to qualify.
- Några app-tips: Photomath - smart camera calculator / Calltag - tag your calls / Pushbullet - your devices working better together.
- Grävskopedirigenten i Carrara. (Tack Simon för tips!)
- Lite intressanta spekulationer från Intercom om vad som kan hända på app-fronten. Utdrag:
In a world where notifications are full experiences in and of themselves, the screen of app icons makes less and less sense. Apps as destinations makes less and less sense. Why open the Facebook app when you can get the content as a notification and take action — like something, comment on something — right there at the notification or OS level. I really believe screens of apps won’t exist in a few years, other than buried deep in the device UI as a secondary navigation.
- JSTOR Daily fördjupar dagsaktuella nyheter genom att gräva i sitt artikelarkiv. (Bakgrund hos NiemanLab)
- Också från JSTOR: Understanding Shakespeare - " It’s a research tool that allows students, educators and scholars to use the text of Shakespeare’s plays to quickly navigate into the scholarship written about them—line by line."
Missiverna HQ kommer att flytta i januari, till Årsta. Om du, eller någon du känner, är på marknaden för en fin 2:a i Örnsberg/Aspudden
så har jag ett bra tips!
Erik Stattin