Hej prenumerant,
- "The goal of Hextris is to stop blocks from leaving the inside of the outer gray hexagon".
- 170 000 foton om hur den amerikanska depressionen på 1930-40-talet drabbade bönderna där finns att hitta hos Photogrammar (från Yale University).
- Jag tror jag har tipsat om något verk av svenske konstnären Jonas Lund tidigare. Hans senaste utställning - Studio Practice - på ett galleri i Amsterdam är lite speciell:
Lund has transformed the gallery into an art production line by hiring four assistants who will work full time during the gallery’s open hours throughout the run of his exhibition. Their task is to produce work inspired by the guidelines set out in a 300 page book that Lund created expressly for them. Once a work has been completed, it will be reviewed online by an advisory board consisting of artists, art advisors, gallerists and collectors. The board will assess the work so that Lund can better decide whether the work should be signed or destroyed.
- Per Holmquist har gjort "Beat Blox, en interaktiv musikmaskin som erbjuder ett fritt kreativt skapande utan krav på förkunskaper".
- Konstnären Katie Paterson som sitt verk Future Library:
A thousand trees have been planted in Nordmarka, a forest just outside Oslo, which will supply paper for a special anthology of books to be printed in one hundred years time. Between now and then, one writer every year will contribute a text, with the writings held in trust, unpublished, until 2114. Tending the forest and ensuring its preservation for the 100-year duration of the artwork finds a conceptual counterpoint in the invitation extended to each writer: to conceive and produce a work in the hopes of finding a receptive reader in an unknown future.
- Japanska forskare har studerat 300 000 GitHub-projekt för att se om man kan hitta vilka faktorer som gör att vissa är mer framgångsrika än andra. Från abstractet:
A summary of the findings we obtained by using the techniques of correlation analysis, social network analysis and topic extraction is as follows: the number of project members and the connectivity between the members are positively correlated with success indexes. Second, projects that faithfully tackle change requests from external developers are more likely to be successful. Third, the success indexes differ between topics of softwares developed by project.
- Alice Bartlett startade en "tampong-klubb" på sitt jobb (brittiska Government Digital Service):
I’m generally of the opinion that companies should provide tampons and sanitary towels for employees just like they provide toilet roll. Google and Facebook both do this, IBM doesn’t. The reason should be obvious ...
- "'Cooking in the Archives' sets out to find, cook, and discuss recipes from cookbooks produced between 1600 and 1800. This project is situated at the intersection between the practice of modern cooking and the history of early modern manuscript and printed recipe books."
- Från en rapport - The Audubon Report - om hur nordamerikanska fåglar påverkas av klimatförändringarna:
Of the 588 North American bird species Audubon studied, more than half are likely to be in trouble. Our models indicate that 314 species will lose more than 50 percent of their current climatic range by 2080.
- Apropå John James Audubon så har ett Harvard-bibliotek just publicerat digitaliserade versioner av 114 av hans tidiga fågelverk.
- En makalös samling animerade gif:ar baserade på historiska fotografier, av Kevin Weir.
Bonus: drönarfilmen från Burning Man påminner en del om förra veckans drönarfilm!