Missiverna #38
Här har du lite grejer att fördjupa dig i i skenet av din skärm. Glad sommar!
- Virginia Quarterly Review - "Linux for Lettuce":
Fueled by both frustration and outrage, Myers, Morton, and Goldman helped establish a subtly radical group called the Open Source Seed Initiative (OSSI) in 2012. Operating under the radar, its mission was to reestablish free exchange by creating a reservoir of seed that couldn’t be patented—“a national park of germplasm,” Goldman called it. By 2013, the group had two dozen members, several of them distinguished plant breeders from public universities across the country. - Joanne McNeil om renässansen för det personliga nyhetsbrevet:
There’s another reason why people are turning to newsletters to publish content now: it is a not-quite public and not-quite private way to share information.
- Från Aaron Straup Cope - tiny-letter-tools - "Miscellaneous tools for doing things with Tiny Letter mailing lists."
- Internet of Newsletters - "Artisanal Internet Pen Pals". - Odyssey - "A simple way for journalists, designers, and creators to weave interactive stories".
- Diverse: "Tessel is a microcontroller that runs JavaScript" / lunr.js - "Simple full-text search in your browser" / "Videogrep: Automatic Supercuts with Python" / Emoji Cheat Sheet / SideComments.js - "A sweet ass commenting interface component" /
- Ett par fiffiga reklamkoncept - "The Social Swipe" och "Magic of Flying". (via: Design Observer)
- Edible Geography - "From Paris, With Smell":
Yesterday, at the transmission of the first transatlantic smell message, perfumer Christophe Laudamiel sent an olfactory snapshot from Paris to New York City, and a small but eager audience at the American Museum of Natural History were treated to the scent of champagne and macarons. - Mind Hacks - "How often do men really think about sex?":
However, the big confounding factor with this study is “ironic processes”, more commonly known as the “white bear problem“. If you want to have cruel fun with a child tell them to put their hand in their air and only put it down when they’ve stopped thinking about a white bear. Once you start thinking about something, trying to forget it just brings it back to mind. - Craig Mod har besökt Ghana och följt Worldreader, en non-profit som ägnar sig åt att sprida e-böcker och e-boksläsare (Kindles specifikt, eftersom Amazon sponsrar) till skolor i fattiga länder:
The Kade children are as children elsewhere: agile with machines. They quickly learn to landscape them, magnify the font size, prop them up like tablets for relaxed reading. They have no trouble with the interface. They make the Kindle do things I didn’t know it could do. The children find hidden features, text-to-voice features, make the devices read to them — robotically but surprisingly clearly — and follow along as the text moves in unison, helping them navigate words that might be a bit out of their English register. Most importantly, the children learn to find books. Books they love, books they must read for homework. Books with curious titles. - En artikel hos UX Magazine försöker medla i konflikten mellan agil mjukvaruutveckling och UX-metodologi. Jag gillade den. Avslutningen:
Many in the UX field have felt obstructed by development teams who insist on adopting agile methodologies and confused about why their arguments for paying closer attention to users go unheeded. It may be helpful to ask whether the presence of UX designers and researchers on the team contributes to rolling back some of the hard-earned job protections that software developers have won, and to find new ways of talking about and practicing our craft that highlight the benefits to them.
- Jag gillade också "Prioritizing Effectively as a Team" av Tobias Fors. - Experimentellt och innovativt från New York Public Library Labs: "Peeling Off The Painted Layers of NYC Walls: Experiments With The Google Street View Archive".
- Richard Kolkers Streetview Series.

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