- App-tips: Bounden - "Holding either end of a device, you tilt the device around a virtual sphere following a path of rings. You swing your arms and twist your body, and before you know it, you are already dancing."
- "OpenGeofiction is a map of an imaginary world, created by a community of worldbuilders. You can take part in this project too."
- Strange Maps: "8 Million City: a Scandinavian Megalopolis".
- Det är självklart inte tio budord i Bill Drummonds "10 Commandments of Art", utan elva. Trean är bra:
3. Don’t stand on the outside looking in, stand on the outside looking further out
In our more insecure moments we imagine the party is happening elsewhere. The movers and shakers are doing it without you. We have a tendency to stare through the window at those having a good time. Forget them and head for the horizon where everything is unknown, where there is no security, no rules, no safety blanket, and make things happen. Be prepared to fail. A couple of weeks ago I "created" Birmingham Dead Oak Ring – 16 dead oak trees around the city. I’ve taken the liberty of proclaiming that they will protect Birmingham from outside forces, and the rest of the world from the power of Birmingham. I’m giving away one million shares to residents of Birmingham for free.
- Monochrome är en trevlig liten app som simulerar en mobil-browser på desktopen.
- Jill Lepores kritiska artikel i The New Yorker, om kulten av "disruptive innovation" och Clayton Christensens innovationsteori, har snurrat runt i veckan. Har dock inte hunnit läsa själv. Samma tidning skrev för ett par år sedan en bra artikel om Christensen (PDF).
- Veckor är det nya månader eller år: Daniel Feldt - "Building an iPad app in two weeks" och Michael Lovitt "Nine weeks to launch Vox — it’s easier to go downhill than up".
- svtplay-dl - "Small command-line program to download videos from svtplay.se/tv4play.se/tv3play.se/tv8play.se/tv6play.se/viaplay.se/aftonbladet".
- Också: youtube-dl.
- Från Echo Nest: Roadtrip Mixtape - "Create a mixtape of local artists for your roadtrip".
- Annan resemusik: Bill Rimgards två mixar: Nordostpassagen och odlingslandskap.
- En lång essä hos Design Observer om bibliotek som infrastruktur.
- 73 miljöbilder från Hayao Miyazakis filmer kan vara bra att ha.
Nästa veckas Missiverna blir det sista innan ett sommaruppehåll.
Erik Stattin