Looking Back and Looking Forward
Mission to Uruguay
Missionaries Mark & Jenni Richline, and Steven & Catalina Payson are proclaiming Christ in Uruguay. They are sent and supported by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Newsletter back in action!
Many months have passed since you have seen one of these! Thankful for your patience, and for your continued prayers, we are ready to keep you in the know about our Montevideo life and ministry for the sake of Christ and his kingdom.
Looking back on 2022
Out Of and Back Into our Building
Every day hundreds of people pass by Salvos Por Gracia Church, giving us gospel opportunities. Yet for two months we had to leave the building while major structural repairs were completed. Thankfully our church body is far stronger than the building, and we kept worshiping together until we were able to move back in and resume our downtown ministry.
Ongoing Health Struggles
For years hemophilia has plagued our ruling elder while diabetes has afflicted another, yet they persevere in faith. Another underwent necessary, invasive back surgery last fall and gradually continues to recover.
New Marriage and Membership
One couple with their 7- year-old son desired to commit to church membership. After meeting for pre-marital counseling, we proceeded with membership classes until they were ready to take both their marriage and membership vows on the same Lord’s Day! Their family is a great encouragement to the life of this body, which now consists of 27 members, 10 of whom are children of all ages.
New Missionaries
In September, we rejoiced to receive the Rev. Stephen and Mrs. Catalina Payson as our fulltime co-laborers for Christ. What a joy to serve our Lord together! We are encouraged by their faithful love and commitment to the church, together with their heart to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ.
Our 7th Anniversary
In September we celebrated seven years of God’s love and faithfulness in the growth of our congregation.
Leaders In Training
Toward the end of the year, two godly men were nominated for the office of ruling elder. They are now being trained as they participate in classes, in leading the Lord’s Day liturgy and in our monthly session meetings.
Moving forward in 2023
Ministry to Visitors
Already this year a young couple and a more mature woman, all from the community have been regularly worshiping with us. One of our member’s coworkers has also been in Sunday worship. Other visitors stop by the church seeking assistance, like José who had hiked nine hours to Montevideo to find work, worshipped with us, and later received food and clothing while we shared the gospel with him.
Neighborhood Outreach
We will be proclaiming Christ in various ways. Gospel tracts in food baskets will go to our needy visitors. Our Reformed Literature table will regularly be out front on our busy street corner. We hope to spend more time in the lively park across the street, building relationships. Plans are also in the works to begin a Sunday School program, inviting our neighbors to join us to learn from the scriptures.
Building Improvements
Graffiti needs to be covered with fresh paint, our church sign needs to be re-installed and dangerously narrow stairs to the second floor need to be rebuilt.
Hope For a Growing Session
By June, leadership training will conclude, and we will know how many new elders the Lord will provide as our members vote them into office.
A New Church Plant
With a stronger session in place at Salvos Por Gracia, our mission would like to begin a bible study in a different section of the city, seeking the Lord to pour out His Spirit and start a new church.
Please Pray
- That the Lord raise up a pastor for Salvos Por Gracia.
- That he bless us with more ruling elders, as well as deacons.
- That he continue growing this congregation in his truth and grace.
- That he use our neighborhood outreach to convert sinners and build his church.
Keep in touch
Thank you for partnering with us in this gospel ministry.
Keep on the look-out for this newsletter in your email every second Saturday of the month. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
We would love to have you visit our Facebook Page "Mission To Montevideo," where you’ll find Uruguayan cultural tidbits, ministry updates and current prayer requests.