Eight Years of Ministry at Salvos Por Gracia Church
Mission to Uruguay
Missionaries Mark & Jenni Richline, and Steven & Catalina Payson are proclaiming Christ in Uruguay. They are sent and supported by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
A Presidential Election is On Its Way
In early 2025, a new president will begin his term. Already the current more conservative political party works to keep itself in office by trying to convince us how good and effective they are. This practically means two things: more road construction projects and increased police activity on the streets. For the next year, traffic will be rerouted all over the city, having to avoid all the white and orange cones popping up everywhere. And we will do our best to avoid moving violation fines and parking tickets while the motorcycle police do their duty. Though I have no vote in Uruguay, I would say such methods of persuasion prove more frustrating than persuasive.
Celebrating 8 years at Salvos Por Gracia
This church has been a good work of God’s grace in progress from its start in October 2015. Salvos Church currently has a stronger foundation than ever before, with five families deeply committed to Christ, to his Word, to one another and to those lost in their sin. We recently celebrated these 8 years of Christ’s faithful love to this body of believers.
A Growing Church Membership!
And Christ keeps building on this foundation of families. Three of our regular attenders have completed membership classes and plan to be received in mid-November. Another family of five, leaving a local Pentecostal Church, is already committed to Salvos and will soon begin the membership process. Two young married couples also desire to be united to our Salvos body. Two more members are on their way next spring as God has blessed one of our families with twins!
A Growing Plurality of Leadership!
Just last Sunday, we rejoiced to ordain our brother Rubén into the church office of Ruling Elder. He is the next elder to be ordained after Juan at the end of 2020. Rubén is a wise, and humble brother in Christ, with a great sense of humor! We praise the Lord for this step in the growth of Christ’s church here and look forward to loving and leading his people together with Rubén.
A New Sunday School
Our first regular Sunday School program for adults and children is in its 8th week and has been well-attended by members and visitors alike. Our adult class is biblically addressing the Woke ideology of gender by tracking God’s design for humanity, from his creation of man as male and female, to sin’s distortion of his design, to God’s redeeming work in Christ.
Our 9th Annual Reformation Conference
More than sixty members of three reformed churches joined this year’s conference to hear God’s Word address the impact our biblical faith has on our families. Our speakers received many thankful comments from participants who came to every session, eager for God’s Word. Our church members faithfully worked together with the other congregations to provide translators, music, and delicious food. Many of you also participated through your donations to Spanish reformed literature which we made available at affordable prices throughout the conference.
Upcoming Presentations
I enjoy presenting the Lord’s work in Montevideo at churches who faithfully support OPC foreign missions. Two Zoom presentations are already planned before the end of the year. Should you desire to have me visit your congregation over Zoom, please speak with your elders. They are welcome to contact me at markrichline@gmail.com, so we might help you stay connected with the gospel ministry you already support.
Please continue to seek our Lord:
- To raise up a pastor for Salvos Church.
- To grow Salvos to become financially self-sustaining.
- To strengthen Salvos’ new elder, Rubén for his labors of love.
- To pave the way for us to establish a new church plant by next March.
- To raise up another full-time missionary to work in Uruguay.
THANK YOU for partnering with us in this gospel ministry. Keep on the look-out for this newsletter in your email every third Saturday of the month. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
We would love to have you visit our Facebook Page Mission to Montevideo where you will find Uruguayan cultural tidbits, ministry updates and current prayer requests.