Coming and Going (May 2023)
Mission to Uruguay
Missionaries Mark & Jenni Richline, and Steven & Catalina Payson are proclaiming Christ in Uruguay. They are sent and supported by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
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This May issue of the newsletter is coming out a bit late. Thank you for your patience, and be ready for the June issue coming very soon!
Church of the Coming and Going
As Salvos Por Gracia Church approaches its eighth year of ministry, we recognize the hard truth that more people have left this work over the years, than have remained. Montevideo presents hard soil for the gospel seed. Yet we praise our Lord for his promise to build his church, and for the very strong, committed core congregation of five Christian couples with their twelve children of all ages. We also rejoice over our several regular attenders while planning an upcoming membership class.
Leadership Training
Last fall, three men were nominated for office, one for deacon and two for ruling elder. Surprisingly and without warning, our deacon candidate decided to leave the church. And then recently, one of our elder candidates wisely decided to postpone his training in order to devote more needed time to his work and family. Training continues with our other elder candidate, trusting in the Lord’s will as to whether he will soon serve alongside of our church’s current ruling elder.
Preaching through JONÁS
This Sunday we heard the first of many sermons from the book of Jonah. Our two missionaries, and our ruling elder are taking turns examining the amazing heart our God has for lost and wretched sinners, like ourselves, as well as the pagan world around us.
Improved Streaming
Our church audio/video system is undergoing major changes for the good of our worship. Two new speakers will soon be hung on our walls, our projector will hang from the ceiling and our sound table will move to the back, freeing up more seating area in our sanctuary. New microphones and a higher quality video camera have greatly improved our weekly service streaming and recording.
Please, check out our services on our YouTube Channel here:
Last Wednesday night, one of our men’s ideas for ministry became reality. Our church doors were open for two hours while he read the scriptures to a few others from the church. They commented on the passage and prayed together, ready to welcome any interested visitors. We pray and trust the Lord to use our “open church” outreach to draw in people from the community and bring them to himself for eternal life.
Regular Gospel Ministry to Visitors
Our Savior keeps giving us “divine appointments”. With all the problems our building has given us over the years, we have come to know well our regularly contracted construction worker. As he has been open with me in the past, I have pointed him to Christ and our need for forgiveness and grace. Then just this week, as he was overseeing more work on the building, Stephen and I directed him to consider both God’s just judgement and mercy. And so, we pray for him, along with many others God sends us.
CFM Visit
Our mission is thankful for two visitors from the OPC Committee on Foreign Missions, General Secretary Rev. Douglas Clawson and Rev. Paul Browne. These visits are always a sweet time of fellowship, and encouragement to the missionaries, as well as the church congregation. The Lord works through their wisdom to hep us navigate challenging situations, both present and future.
Your Fervent Prayer is Needed
- That the Lord raises up a pastor for Salvos Por Gracia.
- That he blesses us with at least one more ruling elder by July this year.
- That he continues growing this congregation in his truth and grace.
- That he uses our Wednesday night “Open Church” to draw visitors into his truth.
- That he would provide wisdom to our mission through the upcoming CFM visit.
THANK YOU for partnering with us in this gospel ministry.
Keep on the look-out for this newsletter in your email every second Saturday of the month. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers. We would love to have you visit our Facebook Page Mission to Montevideo where you’ll find Uruguayan cultural tidbits, ministry updates and current prayer requests.