A Dry and Thirsty Land
Mission to Uruguay
Missionaries Mark & Jenni Richline, and Steven & Catalina Payson are proclaiming Christ in Uruguay. They are sent and supported by the Orthodox Presbyterian Church.
Victory is Ours!
The whole country erupted in fireworks last week as Uruguay’s National Soccer Team defeated Italy to win the Sub-20 World Cup. Soccer teams composed of players 20 years and under from twenty-four nations competed against one another. Upon our champions’ return, they were bussed from the airport down Montevideo’s main street to the uproar of all their cheering fans.
Here is a quick look at a week in the life of Salvos Por Gracia Presbyterian Church
Leadership Classes LOS MARTES
Salvos Por Gracia’s elder candidate continues training on Tuesdays. The classes alternate between instruction one week on reformed theology and then leadership principles and skills the next. Please seek the Lord to make his will be known to our brother whether he is being called to serve IPSG as our new elder.
Every Wednesday night, we open our church doors so that passers-by may hear us reading through Romans, sharing insights, and praying together. We have also offered “tortas-fritas” (fried sweet bread) with hot coffee on these cold, wintry nights. So far, visitors have been few, yet we pray and trust our Good Shepherd to bring his lost sheep into the fold.
Our Prayer Meeting LOS JUEVES
Though not ideal, GoogleMeet has become our Thursday meeting place for study and prayer. Our members are spread out through the city making travel more than once a week to our building difficult. The convenience also means we often receive visitors online from other churches. We alternate weeks between studying the Westminster Shorter Catechism and devoting the hour to prayer for a particular theme.
Our Book Studies LOS SABADOS
One Saturday a month, our women meet to fellowship and study the Titus 2 principles of older women discipling those who are younger. Our men get together quarterly also for book studies and mutual encouragement.
Encouraged by our Regular Attenders
Our church is overjoyed to have not one, but TWO new young couples getting involved in our lives. Both couples are eager to grow in their knowledge of scripture and their relationship with Christ. Daniel and Jesica hope to be married soon and plan to take our counseling classes. Andrés and Andrea do a four hour round trip by bus to join us every Sunday. They have a Pentecostal background but became reformed listening to Charles Spurgeon and Paul Washer. It is wonderful to hear them talk of how thrilled they are to be part of a church where we speak and live the same reformed faith! Please keep both beautiful couples in your prayers.
Prayer request: Running Out of Water
Uruguay has been experiencing the worst drought on record in 74 years. As the nation’s reservoirs have been gradually drying up, the government has been utilizing more and more salt water from the Platte River. We can taste the salt in our tap water which is now at 440 milligrams per liter, more than twice the recommended, healthy amount. And so, we seek the Lord for rain, stock up on all the water bottles we can and pray our Lord uses this crisis to cause our Uruguayan friends to seek him for Living Water.
THANK YOU for partnering with us in this gospel ministry. Keep on the look-out for this newsletter in your email every third Saturday of the month. Thank you for keeping us in your prayers.
We would love to have you visit our Facebook Page Mission to Montevideo where you will find Uruguayan cultural tidbits, ministry updates and current prayer requests.