What's happening?
Hello. I write this from a remote farm in Cividale in north east Italy. A beautiful and serene landscape with great weather—a nice change from the Scottish clouds. This newsletter is coming midweek because I was too busy travelling, climbing rocks, and eating gelato to find time to write. But better late than never. I'm here visiting a couple of friends, one of whom is Manu, our almighty web developer. I've worked with this guy for about 5 years and only now have I had the opportunity to meet him in person. And a pleasure it has been. Although it's mental that it has taken this long. But I guess there was a global pandemic during that time. Now let's dive into some recent features.
– Carl
Meet David Taylor, born in Falkirk and now residing in Mellösa, Sweden. He is the creator of minimalist sculptures and his work with bent aluminium—to create visually raw yet functional and contemporary objects—forms the essence of this curation.
One of the masters of concrete architecture, Kazunori Fujimoto, is behind the brutalist residence, House in Ajina, located in Hiroshima Prefecture of Japan. The house is built atop a steep slope, resulting in uninterrupted vistas to the Seto Inland Sea with an internal layout that accommodates the change in levels.
Every country produces exceptional designers while some countries offer particular approaches to design with renowned craftsmanship and special materials. As part of our applied design series, we look at a selection of Italian-inspired works spanning a range of topics within the spectrum of minimalism.
All We Value is an experimental research and design lab based in New York focused on creating products that push new ideas forward through form, experience, and production. One such product is their simple Bubble Lamp. It is a mirror polished aluminium table lamp, with each variant elegantly capturing the space in which it lives.
MORK-ULNES is an international architecture practice behind the design of the brutalist looking Ridge House. At this compact Sonoma guesthouse, board-formed concrete sculpted into austere volumes carves into dry earth, suspending guest rooms over a plateau’s edge. The building is composed of three small volumes that step down with the changing grade, nesting into the site’s natural contours so that the mass of the building is softened into the hillside.
Where next?
Other things for you to read, explore, and maybe even admire:
braun x dieter rams: iconic Braun designs illustrated and animated by Yunjung Seo
kiss house: minimal and super energy-efficient prefab homes
exotic matter: computer-generated photographs by Zachary Norman
publish something online: if you want to publish something online, this site is a great starting point and ongoing resource
This monthly edition of the Minimalissimo newsletter was supported by aprile, the hanging chair
inspired by spring days and designed by Matteo Modica, aprile is a simple suspended chair that oozes elegance—a floating seat, shaped after spring petals, swinging gently. designed and handcrafted in Italy with artisanal love.

whether you're looking for visual inspiration or design insights, you can visit our gallery to discover the very best of minimalism in art and design.