What's happening?
Hello. It has been a week since we launched our new brutalist site and it feels great to reboot. Like a fresh start with a renewed enthusiasm and interesting challenges. Some of you reached out with feedback with incredibly positive thoughts and some useful suggestions for improvements, which I've taken on board. Thanks so much for that. Anyone taking the time to write to me and share their impressions means a lot. I will always respond to every email. At the moment, I am exploring ideas on how to grow this newsletter without obtrusive solutions that will just serve to annoy people. Not easy. I'm also becoming increasingly disillusioned with social media. Particularly Instagram. I still actually quite enjoy Twitter as a tool. So I am rethinking how much time and energy I put into that. Now let's dive into some recent features.
– Carl
An impeccable reissue of a classic, designed by Naoto Fukasawa for Japanese brand, PLUS. A minimalist portable office set, in a case, given an award-winning modern makeover. Inside the magnetically closed case you will find scissors, a ruler, tape dispenser, knife, tape measure, glue, stapler, and Sim card pin.
Born of a collaboration between designer Peter Bristol and Juniper, the THIN lamp series uses the latest in LED technology to create an innovative task lamp keenly attuned to modern day living. When in use, the lamp can extend in excess of three feet. When folded, it reduces to a minimal vertical profile.
Xiaomi's collection of lifestyle electronics has become distinguishable from competitors and it might be the company's distinctive minimal design language that is the reason behind it. We can definitely attest to their aesthetics, which stand up against any brand on the market. Particularly when it comes to lifestyle appliances. Take the Mijia electronic screwdriver and the cordless drill as prime examples.
In a private and remote property in Japan's Amakusa City, Kumamoto Prefecture, sits a striking single-storey sanctuary designed by Matsuyama Architects and Associates. The residence is a tale of two sides.
Back with another distinctive design is teenage engineering and their FX-6 ultra-portable, battery-powered mixer and multi-channel audio interface. Comparable to larger units, but with even more tech packed into one sturdy little aesthetically minimalist machine.
Where next?
This monthly edition of the Minimalissimo newsletter was supported by aprile, the hanging chair
inspired by spring days and designed by Matteo Modica, aprile is a simple suspended chair that oozes elegance—a floating seat, shaped after spring petals, swinging gently. designed and handcrafted in Italy with artisanal love.

whether you're looking for visual inspiration or design insights, you can visit our gallery to discover the very best of minimalism in art and design.