School Library Q & A
and some more recent middle grade and young adult reads
Hello supporters!
Well, I officially have two weeks of the new school year under my belt and have actually had a tiny bit of time to work on my very favorite part of the job - collection development and maintenance. I became a school librarian because of the BOOKS, but there are so many other parts of the job that somehow, wildly enough, this part of the profession can get pushed to the side.
I am the only person staffing my middle school library in a building with approximately 500 students and more staff members than I have been able to keep track of so far. I am tasked with the vast majority of tech distribution and tech help in the building, as well as the actual book responsibilities and teaching 20+ sections a week. To put the tech part of the job in perspective: we are a 1:1 iPad district, and this year we got all new iPads AND the district changed the passwords for all students, AND we have new tech management software AND I’m frantically trying to get up to speed on our new catalog / circulation system in the library. That’s a lot, my friends.