Recent Reads Volume 32
must-read nonfiction and a quirky collection of novels
Hello readers! I have been working hard to include fewer titles in each bookish newsletter so as to not overwhelm you ~ has it been working? Today’s roundup includes some stellar very-much-not-connected recent-ish reads that I have been wanting to share, but haven’t been able to fit into any other roundups. I hope you find one to love! Oh, and there’s a bonus download for paid subscribers 🖤
Whew, it has been a wild week over here! From my graduation driving last weekend to a choir concert on Sunday, so many work meetings, a senior showcase event on Wednesday night, the senior’s car breaking down in the middle of the street and now being out of commission, and finally, baseball ~ it’s been a very full week! I have to say though, that my capacity for a full schedule in May is so high compared to during the dark days of the winter. One after school meeting in January can derail me for days and days, where in this light-filled homestretch of the school year I feel like I can make it through just about anything. Amen to warmth and daylight!