My Favorite Podcasts Right Now
as well as a skirt with pockets and some recent mystery-ish reads
Happy Saturday, my friends!
Whoever said educators don’t work in the summer is super w.r.o.n.g. ~ I spent several days this week in virtual meetings with my state professional organization and only got one afternoon at the pool ~ gasp! I just started a volunteer liaison position bridging my state and national organizations that may stretch me time-wise, but I am hoping it will also teach me so much more about school librarianship across the state and nation. And I spent much of my reading time this week absorbed in middle grade and young adult graphic novels and manga for a professional development book club I am participating in ~ I hope to share about those sometime soonish!
Don’t worry, though ~ I didn’t work too hard: I spent a lot of the time in those virtual meetings playing with my Hello Loom, weaving and thoroughly enjoying making something with my hands. Am I making something functional? Nope. Just making. It is delightful.