My Favorite Audiobook Narrators
and marking a year since leaving Instagram

Happy Saturday, my friends! I’m popping in today with a reflection on leaving Instagram, sharing an amazing new release I just listened to this week, and highlighting some of my favorite audiobook narrators. Thank you so much for sharing a little bit of your weekend with me!
Big news over here! The oldest is HOME again for a bit! I’m over the moon to have her here, for however long it may be. Her decision to do a trailwork stint with the Maine Conservation Corps was an AMAZING one, and our whole family benefited from that choice. We all got to be with her there for a bit, and so did my mother-in-law and my mom and stepdad ~ we all love having people to visit in fun places ☺ We’re still waiting to find out what her next adventure will be, and I’m trying my very best to let her figure it out on her own schedule. For now, though, we get to all be in the same house again for the first time since June 5, and I’m going to soak up all the whole-family time I can get.