IT'S HERE! The Mindful Librarian Summer Reading Program
choose your own path to summer reading satisfaction this year
Hello readers! Well, I made it through a total of four graduation ceremonies, three graduation dinners, one graduation party, one college move-out, four flights, one bus ride and so so so so much happiness in the past week ~ what a wild ride it’s been! I hope to share a bit more about all of that on Saturday, but for now …..
It’s finally time!! I’m so excited to share my version of the library summer reading programs I have always loved. No, you won’t be able to come to the circulation desk to get your reading passport stamped or pick from the prize bucket, but you WILL get to embark upon personalized reading paths and come together with other readers to chat about your summer reading. My summer offering this year isn’t a traditional summer reading guide ~ you can get those from many other sources, some of which I’ll be sharing with you on Saturday! What I am sharing is about the journey and digging in for contemplation about our reading paths.
The Mindful Librarian Summer Reading Program includes:
a 14-page PDF handcrafted by ME, and me alone!
numerous ways to design your own perfect summer reading experience
printable TBR pages for crafting your own priority reading list
guiding questions to prompt a more mindful approach to seasonal reading
reading-related challenges to expand your reading life
several curated reading collections if you want specific titles to focus on
AND, bi-weekly check-ins with the community here!