From the Mindful Library Vol. 16
August 19, 2023
Well, here we go again! The youngest starts 6th grade next Wednesday, we have her Open House on Monday, the junior has his first soccer game of the high school season on Tuesday, and we have a ton of appointments scheduled throughout the week. I don’t start back for inservice until the 28th, so between open house, soccer, and appointments I’ll be squeezing in final summer naps, reading when I can, and most likely making a trip or two to school to make progress on some collection projects.
I try to complete a quilt every summer, and I am grateful for some completely open days recently that allowed me to quilt and listen to audiobooks for hours on end ~ we now have yet another scrappy quilt for our living room collection! You can check out an album of my quilts if you would like to see more pics.