Five Things to Tell You vol. 8
Two recent reads, Emma, Mufasa, and more

Hello readers! Yet again, I am sharing five things I simply had to tell you, and would love if you would respond either in the comments or via email with something you simply have to tell me in return ♡
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In case you missed my official statement yesterday:

Diversity Equity and Inclusion - by Katy O.
I'm drowning too
I have such a backlog of books to tell you all about, but don’t want to overwhelm you with them all at once! Here are two January reads from the library that were exactly what I needed in the moments I read them:
One of the prompts on Book Riot’s Read Harder Challenge this year is “Read a book based solely on its setting” and that is EXACTLY why I picked up Ghosts of Waikiki by Jennifer K. Morita, a late 2024 mystery. Who wouldn’t want to spend time in Waikīkī during the depths of winter?
I was so pleasantly surprised at the originality and refreshingly anti-colonial viewpoint in this story. The vast majority of novels set in Hawaiʻi that I have read focus solely on the vacation paradise, and it's just such a glaring omission to leave out the tragic and negative impacts of the colonial history of the island. I really appreciated the mystery featuring a writer as the main character, and the family and the close friend group was richly written, as was the setting. Want more? Read an interview with the author.
And on the nonfiction side, I absolutely raced through Pets and the City: True Tales of a Manhattan House Call Veterinarian by Dr. Amy Attas despite trying to make it a slow and contemplative read. This summer 2024 release is a immensely readable collection of true stories about a house call vet in Manhattan who has really, really seen it all. Think “James Harriet takes Manhattan”. It’s gossipy and it’s fun and ultimately about so many pets who have touched so many lives. If you are an animal lover, definitely give this one a shot. Want more? Read a NYT interview with the author (gift link)
I’m finally remembering to tell you this! In my quest to somehow, some way regain my attention span, I am choosing to go absolutely all-in on a few big or somehow culturally significant, but intimidating, books this year.
The first title I chose is Emma by Jane Austen ~ this is my first time reading it! I started on January 1st, and am reading one chapter per day.
When I say go all-in, I mean not just reading the book, but also:
taking copious notes
reading the SparkNotes after every chapter - I bought the Kindle copy of the Emma edition
listening to podcast episodes about the book before, during, and after reading. After I read the introduction to Emma, I listened to the two episodes below from
and on . Huge thanks to them for saying it’s OKAY to use the SparkNotes too! They also recommended the audio version of the book, but after comprehending absolutely nothing from Pride and Prejudice on audio, I am committed to reading Emma in its entirety in print.
I am excited to read more analyses and listen to more podcasts along the way, including the very final spring project ~ an Emma read along! If I would have known about this earlier, I might have waited to read with them, but I’m excited to finish the book soon before their podcast episodes start airing. It will be a great way to process my experience.
I also read this from and almost spit out my coffee laughing ~ we share a deep, deep love for Clueless, and I have to admit that I was tempted after a few chapters to join her in quitting the book. I didn’t, though!!
And while I slowly read Emma, I am pondering what my next “all-in” title will be ~ I think I have it figured out! I’ll wait to share until I’m done with Emma, though ☺
Readers, I am what is known as An Enthusiast™. I am very enthusiastic about and her work at . Tap through to read my gushing from last Sunday if you so desire. Or just subscribe to to see for yourself ☺
What else am I An Enthusiast™ about online these days? Here are just a few of them, many of which I have mentioned numerous times before (because I An Enthusiast™ ):
and her newsletter and podcast
and and their newsletters and and also their podcast (especially their Extra Butter segments)
Kara Swisher’s podcast ~ especially a few of the most recent episodes about phones and attention
and his newsletter in which I learn so so much history and minutiae about New York City, a place I have *still* never been, but now feel a bit like I have thanks to Rob. His newsletters are so calming to read at work while I’m eating lunch.
Ann Friedman’s old-school newsletter that comes to my actual inbox and is one of my favorite things ever.
The New York Times Flashback game that I make my husband play with me every single Saturday ~ I’m always so amazed at how much I know on these based on the books I have read!
Yet another one of my hopes and dreams for 2025 is to go to the movie theater at least once per month. I have admitted defeat at being able to sit through movies at home and absolutely adore the forced single-focus of the movie theater.
I decided to double down on this goal and put my money where my priorities are by purchasing an annual Marcus Movie Club subscription. Yes, I paid for the entire year up front1 ~ I’m COMMITTED.
Our first theater trip of 2025 was last weekend, when we took the youngest teen and a friend to see Mufasa. I am aware of mixed feelings about this movie, but for me, it was exactly the singing-pretty-lions experience I never knew I needed. I was fully entertained. I screamed out loud once. I saw lions swimming more than I ever knew was a thing. But I’m just so upset that Kiara never gets to be king? Ugh, lions and misogyny. I’m such a critical consumer of books that I love being able to be just a joyful consumer of movies.
Next up? Green and Gold releases on January 31, so my Wisconsin family will definitely be seeing it in February. And I’m very excited about Snow White this spring.
Wisconsin has been predictably so damn cold this month, and as I continue just trying not to freeze to death, I need to tell you of my deep and abiding love for my Uggs. They’re my ride-or-die, forever-go-to for to and from work and anywhere I go on weekends. Unless it’s really snowy, then I have to level up to my snow boots. I have stopped pretending I wear anything other than leggings, Uggs, and long sweatshirts or sweaters covered by my huge puffer on weekends when it’s below 30 F.
I care not at all whether they are in or out or Uggly or literally anything else.
These boots are so damn warm and cozy. They don’t have laces. They pull up over leggings just great. They have lasted for years and years. I bought them so long ago I no longer remember it, they have just always been here.
Just like Crocs, some things are simply really really good at what they’re made for. Uggs are really really good at being warm and cozy and getting me to where I need to go in the depths of winter. That’s all they need to be.
Are you reading any classics or going all in on any books this season? Are you an Enthusiast too? Excited about any 2025 movie releases I need to know about? Got a book rec for me??? Please do share!
That’s all for this week ~ thanks for reading!
I love to hear from readers, so please do reach out to me with questions or feedback at . If we aren’t already connected on Goodreads, I would love to see you there as well!
With this $110 subscription, you get one movie ticket per month (approximately $9.17/month), plus 20% off all food and drinks (we will never *not* get popcorn and drinks at the theater). AND, this was what convinced me to do it: all other tickets purchased are only $9.99 each. The monthly ticket rolls over too, just in case you skip a month for some reason.
Thanks for stopping by!