📡 – 10.23.20
A small collection of things I ~consumed~ recently.
Not all of this is new. Inclusion does not imply endorsement. All of it gave me something to think about. Feel free to discuss in the comments below.
Crossposted from Patreon.
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SIGN – Autechre
Point, Line, Cloud – Curtis Roads
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‘Cuties’, Netflix, and Computation – Nina Lutz, Medium
Ready politician one: How the election made its way into video games – Kalhan Rosenblatt, NBC News
Stanislavski’s revelation: we’re more than the parts we play – William Justice Bruehl, psyche.co
How the Most Toxic, Notorious Pro-Trump Online Community Tricked Reddit and Got Back Online – Ali Breland, Jacobin
Self-Help Hacks at the End of the World – Colette Shade, TNR
The Right’s Disinformation Machine Is Getting Ready for Trump to Lose – Renée Deresta, Atlantic
Ethical grocery shopping was never the answer anyway – Soleil Ho, SF Chronicle
After Eddie Van Halen’s Death, Heavy Metal Must Confront Its Mortality – Kim Kelly, GQ
Inside NYC's Insanely Loud Car Culture – Sarah Maslin Nir, NYT
Why New Zealand rejected populist ideas other nations have embraced – Charlotte Graham-McLay, Guardian
‘What Tech Calls Thinking’ Might Really Be Something Else – Virginia Heffernan, NYT
The Hollow Nihilism of Call of Duty – Yussef Cole, WIRED
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Honestly just ... LOTS of Jeopardy lately. I am still almost fundamentally unable to handle the stress of narrative television. Something about the way TV is cut, or the way it tends to sound, just spikes my blood pressure immediately.
I have started a re-watch of the Venture Brothers, though - and that has been nice. I'm still in the early seasons where I know most episodes almost line-by-line. It's been great to put on, and pay half-attention to.
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Nothing since I've been back from vacation; still picking up Hades now and again and having a grand time. Highly recommended, if you haven't.
Been also thinking a lot about how I'm gonna play Cyberpunk 2077 when it comes out but ... if I'm being honest, I don't foresee myself enjoying it. Maybe I'll stream it and folks will dunk on it with me? IDK.
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I hope you're all well, and safe and healthy.