where i'm going, where i've been

My hiatus (or as I like to call it, my newsletter nap) was intended to only be a couple of weeks but it has stretched into months (aside from one piece) for various reasons, the main reason being I just don't like the writing interface here and I wish I stayed at Substack and researched this a little more before moving to this platform. It makes me less inclined to write, but I'll deal with it. Other reasons were stress, writer's block, and a raging insomnia that is wrecking my brain cells.
I'm going to come back soon; my writing mojo has gone missing but I am just about ready to take on some essays again. First, I will be publishing a series of guest posts from friends who wrote about their favorite 1994 albums, which are all turning 30 this year. It's going to be a lot of fun to read, and I'm sure you'll enjoy it. That will go up some time next week. After that I have several essays planned already, a lot of them about music, so I hope that's a thing you like.
Meanwhile, I am trying to also do some paid writing outside of this. I wrote this essay about my new wave music awakening and dancing through the 80s for a blog I like very much and am hoping to write more there. I'm weighing other options and I am pitching like crazy. We'll see how that goes.
I just wanted to let you know I did not forget about coming back from hiatus and you'll be seeing new content here soon. Maybe sooner than you think.
And hey, it's Opening Day. Let's go watch some baseball.
Thanks for sticking around,