joy: week 4
a weekly dive into the things that brought me joy this week
Another week has just whizzed by, how is it the middle of the month already? I’ve had a busy week filled with doctor appointments but in the midst of all that I managed to eke out some happiness. Let’s start.
A couple of my cousins sent me these tulips to “bring sunshine” into my life. It was such and unexpected thing, and really made my day. The flowers I got two weeks ago are on their way out, so this is a nice replacement by the window. It’s so comforting and humbling to know people are thinking of you and wish you well. I have good people in my life and it makes everything so much easier to deal with.
Chicken soup for my soul
The same day, a few coworkers got together and sent me a package containing chicken soup, rolls, cookies, and a ladle.
Another unexpected delight. I believe in the healing powers of chicken soup, and I also believe in the healing powers of love and friendship. Combine these two together, and you have a joy that fills your heart.
Yes, this gets all caps and exclamation points because I had no idea this was coming. I heard rumors last week that they were working on an album but I did not expect to hear new music and be able to pre-order the June(!) release of the new record. They are my absolute favorite band and the fact that QOTSA and my second favorite band, The National, have albums out so close together is filling my heart with happiness. QOTSA have not put out an album since 2017’s Villains which I was lukewarm about. This song harkens back to earlier days and I am here for it.
Air conditioning, ceiling fans, and the great indoors
Summer is approaching. I can tell because it is mid May and it was 86 degrees yesterday which means my prayers for a long spring have gone unanswered. But that’s ok, because despite how much I hate summer, I have my house set to the ultimate temperature: 65 degrees. With the A/C blasting cool air and the ceiling fans doing their job, I can give a hearty fuck you to the weather outside. I’ll just stay indoors and enjoy wearing a sweatshirt around the house while you suckers sweat and melt outside.
Saturday bagels
I’ve been making it a habit to go to my parents’ house every Saturday with bagels and cream cheese and lox. I get to spend a little time with my mom, mostly talking about baseball and hockey and I like to think I picked up the tradition of Saturday bagels that we let go when my grandpa Joe - who used to bring bagels every weekend from Brooklyn - died back in 2007. I think of him every time I bring bagels to mom and dad and the good memories of Saturday mornings with Grandpa.
Ok, that’s it for this week. I hope these posts prompt you to find your joys from this week and revel in them. There’s so much bad stuff happening out there right now and it’s just good practice to remember and hold dear the things that fill your heart with gladness.